I have one of those digital picture frames, and the photo here pops up sometimes–it is us the day we returned from the 2010 around the world trip–and it stirs my wanderlust. It’s been awhile since we’ve had a chance to do some serious traveling. Something to do with moving across the country three times in six years, work, family…you know, the usual stuff.

We’ve been reminded recently that we aren’t getting any younger and there is still a lot we want to do and see. So, it’s time to go on another adventure. At some point we may transfer the old “Going Out The Door” blog over here, but in the meantime, if you want to read about our last big trip (nearly 10 years ago!), you can find it here.

This time we are both realizing lifelong dreams of going to Australia and New Zealand. With a couple of days in Fiji thrown in–hey, we were going to have a layover there any way, so why not stay a couple of days?

The trip will start and finish with what we call the Texas Road Trip–stops in Louisiana, San Antonio at both ends, then leaving and arriving in Austin.

Before I go any further, we have a few people to thank. Mostly our folks, for inspiring us to see the world in general, and my mom in particular for agreeing to take care of Papalote while we are gone.

We already miss him and haven’t even left yet.

We’ll follow up soon with more details, but we need to get packing!